HS Varsity Boys Basketball

The 2021-2022 Varsity Boys Basketball season was one of our program's most successful teams to date. Like many seasons, we had our ups and downs – our fair share of highlights and lowlights. But during that time, we saw young boys grow into young men who competed for one common goal each night, to get better for each other. This team was such a tight-knit group that got along on and off the floor. As we fell short of some of our team goals, from the coach’s seat, I saw some great growth that gives me great hope for our future generations to come. In sports, oftentimes we can be judged by our wins and losses; however, this team was defined by more than that. As each player is an important piece of the puzzle, that is very significant in the success of a team. As I encourage any student at Florence High School to participate in sports – I encourage you to be a part of something special, work hard, enjoy the bond with your brothers that you go to bat with nightly, and enjoy as much of your high school career as possible. There will be challenging times, maybe sometimes where you question the process but that is where growth begins, and you find the strength you did not know you had inside you.
I am so proud to be the coach at Florence High School. I think we have a community that supports our athletics programs, along with a great administration that does the same. I am very proud of the season we had this year; I am proud of the players both past and present for helping us build a very competitive boys basketball program over the last few years & I know with hard work; we will continue that tradition. There are many goals we have yet to accomplish, but we are knocking on that door.
Come join our team! Be a part of something special – something bigger than yourself to achieve uncommon goals together; it really is a lot of fun!
Bryan Bomberg; CELL 920.850.2381 or via email BOMBERGB@MYFLORENCE.ORG