Fab Lab Machines
Below are pictures on the left of the various machines that we have in our Florence Fab Lab, on the right side are links to tutorials and safety sheets on each machine
Afinia 3D Printer H800

Afinia 3D Printer H800
Manual: https://www.afinia.com/afinia-downloads/AfiniaH800-3D-Printer-UsersManual.pdf
Type of Materials:
Maximum Capacity:
How-To videos:
DI Wire

DI Wire
Type of Materials:
Maximum Capacity:
How-To Videos: https://www.pensalabs.com/diwire-v1-support
Epilog Helix Laser Engraver (30 Watt)

Epilog Helix Laser Engraver (30 Watt)
Manual: https://www.epiloglaser.com/assets/downloads/manuals/legend-manual-web.pdf
Type of Materials: page 149 suggested settings (use 30 Watt column). Materials include: Acrylic, Alumamark, Anodized Aluminum, Cork, Cotton, Denim, Fleece, Glass, Leather, Mat Board, Marble, Painted Brass, Plastics, Rubber Stamps, Stainless Steel w/Cermark, Twill, Wood
Maximum Capacity: 18” x 24”
Main Software: Corel Draw
Other Options for Software: Illustrator, Photoshop, AutoCAD
How-To videos: several are listed on the main starting page of Corel Draw
Epilog Fusion Pro

Epilog Fusion Pro
Manual: https://www.epiloglaser.com/assets/downloads/manuals/fusionpro-manual-web.pdf
Type of Materials: page 223 suggested settings (use 60 Watt column). Materials include: Acrylic, Alumamark, Anodized Aluminum, Cork, Cotton, Denim, Fleece, Glass, Leather, Mat Board, Marble, Painted Brass, Plastics, Rubber Stamps, Stainless Steel w/Cermark, Twill, Wood
Maximum Capacity: 20” x 32”
Main Software: Corel Draw
Other Options for Software: Illustrator, Photoshop, AutoCAD
How-To videos: several are listed on the main starting page of Corel Draw
Roland MDX 40A Mini CNC

Roland MDX 40A Mini CNC
Type of Materials: ABS, Acetal, Acrylic, Agate, Balsa Wood, Bone, Butyrate, Carbon Fiber, Ceramic, Corian, Cork, Delrin, Epoxy, Fiberglass, Foam, Garolite, Glass, Glass Mica, Gold, HDPE, LPDE, MDF, Modeling Boards, Modeling Foam, Modeling Wax, Noryl, Nylon, Pattern, Board, PC Board, PEI, PEEK, PET, PETG, Plaster, Plexiglass, Polyacetal, Polycarbonate Polyester, Polyetherimide, Polyethylene, Polyphenylene, Polypropylene, Polysulfone, Precision Board, PTFE, PVC, Renshape, Resin Board, Sea Shell, Sign Board, Silver, MDF, Styrenefoam, Teflon, Tooling Board, Ultem, UHMW, Urethane, Wax, Wood
Maximum Capacity: 12” x 12”
Software: Aspire
How-To videos: on startup page in Aspire
Roland Camm-1 GS-24

Roland Camm-1 GS-24
Manual: https://files.rolanddga.com/Files/GS-24_UsersManual/Responsive_HTML5/index.htm#t=GS-24_index.html
Type of Materials:
Maximum Capacity:
How-To videos:
EZ Router CNC

EZ Router CNC
Manual: https://ez-router.com/pdf/cnc_routers.pdf
Type of Materials:
Maximum Capacity:
How-To videos: